Sunday 30 May 2021

Intent in Kotlin Android Studio

 Hi larnkoders in this post you are going to learn  about, How to make pass to new activity with information or simply go to new activity on android studio. This is code is written in Kotlin Programming language.

Let suppose there will be MainActivity.kt and to you want to go to AnotherActivity.kt then\

do this like 

if there is button clicklistener like


val intent  = Intent(this,



The main code is about simply passing to new activity from MainActivity.kt to AnotherActivity.kt

if there is any issues with above code just comment out, for further support

Good News Larnkoders, we are lauching new on Playstore

Hi larnkkoder we going to launch our new Larnkode App on Google PlayStore by the end of June, in this app you are going to get latest information about Programming Languages like Python, Java, Flutter and etc.,

This is a very sweet news to our larnkoders and it is free app with lot of features.

Intent in Kotlin Android Studio

 Hi larnkoders in this post you are going to learn  about, How to make pass to new activity with information or simply go to new activity on...